I think that if it looks period correct let it race.Tires carbs,headlights and all the other rules only deminish the amont of cars that can compete.After all it is nothing more than index or bracket racing.Limiting the cars with meaningless rules limit the car count and you will only have the same few racers at each event.People get tired of seeing the same two dozen cars or so race event after event and it become stale and then the personalities and attidudes show up and devide the group and racers get upset and disgusted and pull out.I have seen this happen at many races where racers were invited or show up and they are told they can't run because of a certain rule.Then halfway through the race the race director is running around begging people to race and the rules go out the window because they can't get enough cars to run a program.
I think anyone(race director/promoter) should spend a weekend at Beaver Springs with Beaver Bob before they are allowed to put on an event.Not only can he get the best cars(many from long distances)but some of the most famous racers from the period.He never has a lack of race cars at any of his events,he runs it with percision,great payouts and a lot of fun.And to top it all off he packs the stands with fans even though his track is located on a mountain far away from any major cities.
He puts NSS and NSFX(a period appearence mix of the old and new techonology)together for some of the most action packed "run whatcha brung"nostalgia racing around.They round your ETs to the nearest tenth and let the "Big Dogs"fly.Hemis,wedges,cammers,rats and mice as well as even some porupines and flat heads.Injection,blowers,carbs and turbos,everyone gets a shot.
For those that have modern bracket cars he has N/ET,stocker have JR/S and leagal SS cars have their own class.Think about it