
I post here most, and most of my friends lurk here also, so please leave it here a small while if you will.
I lost my Mom a few days ago, she had been sick a good while with heart trouble. She had been staying at the Hospice Center for pretty much the last few months, and was well enough to come home the day before Thanksgiving.
Last Thursday I picked up some Mexican take out for me and her as a early Birthday dinner. As I prepared to leave I kissed her not once but twice and told her I loved her, pretty much the last words I spoke to my mom alive. I still wished I could have said more...done more... She died the following day, well early Saturday Morning.
Read and pay real close attention to the following instructions...
People, tell your loved ones how much you care, kiss them and hug them, dont walk away mad or let petty misunderstandings keep you apart or cause fighting. You never know it could be your last chance, last time you speak or see them.
Dad is coping pretty well, we was somewhat prepared, as much as one can be. Its still like a bad dream.
I haven't had a chance to respond to a few pm's.. I will get back with you guys asap.
Thanks for the prayers
Bob Coomer
I love you mom
You will not be forgotten.

Very sorry for your loss Bob. If it's any consolation, I'm sure your mom knows and knew everything your feeling.