
I am no oil pan guru. I have talked this over with my engine guy a coupe of times. He feels there is no need for one on a BB Mopar making the power I do. He feels that a good pump and well designed pan will work fine and not cost any power. With that in mind we have a new pan and the same pump again now. The only real change to the pan being a bid side kickout to help control oil in suspension. Mine has the usual trap doors, scraper, windage tray and kickout.

There is no question in my mind that there is HP in oil pans. Those Milodon, Moroso, Source pans I see are no better than a stock pan IMO. Go talk with Comp or heck even Stock elimiator guys I think you will find they will agree there is power in oil pans. While I agree dry sumps have a place just not sold that there is going to be any big power increase over a properly set up wet sump system.I was willing to drop the money but was convinced otherwise with what I had.

I believe that there is definately power in a dry sump over a wet sump in all out race engines. Unfortunately, as you.ve mentioned , the skirting really raises hell with windage and negates some of the gain in a Mopar.

When the Hemi99 engine was still in developement the biggest single issue they faced was the skirted blocks and windage problems. There's a reason they removed the skirt on one side on the skirted blocks and ran a huge kick out. Here's a picture of the dry sump pan for my Hemi, notice anything strange?