
Every time i bled it i always used the "start at the wheel furthest from the MC" technique, never had more than one bleeder cracked at a time, and yes the bleeders are facing up and at the rear of the spindle. Its actually a 2 bolt MC (I6 car originally, dunno if that makes a diff in MC's tho)
And no amount of pumping makes the pedal seem firmer, always nice and mushy.
Tomm ill try bleeding the MC one more time I guess.
It sucks ive spent my entire boot leave on this thing and its still not right! So dayim frustrating

Leave huh? where you stationed? yes, this stuff can get frustrating. when I bought my car, I had 3 weeks of summer break at the Academy to get it in road worthy condition and drive it from Ohio back to Colorado. I rebuilt the entire brake system, tore apart the dash and un-did a rats nest of 30 years worth of crappy wire jobs, got all the gauges working properly, re-wired the front lights, tail lights, engine bay, put new bearings in the axle, replaced the ignition system, and had a new exhaust put on it. I even had the seats recovered.

I missed being able to drive it back to Colorado by about 3 days, and had to fly back, then let my dad finish it and drive it out for me on the next long weekend.

**Photobucket sucks**