My son and I are restoring a 1970 Dodge Challenger, 318 V8, without AC. We are rebuilding the heater box and even though the motor was working before we took the box out, it was recommended to us that we replace the motor while the box was out. This is the first time I've found a picture of the motor we are trying to replace and have been totally unsuccessful in finding the correct over the counter replacement part after 3 months of searching (must be doing something wrong for surely it can't be this hard). The original motor shaft has no side play and what appears to be normal end play. We are beginning to wonder if we should simply carefully disassemble the original motor (it is, in fact, zinc), clean and lube the bushings and put it back in. So here are my questions:

1. Should we refurbish the old motor or get a new one?

2. If refurbish, what is the procedure, lubricant, etc.?

3. If getting a new one, what is the right manufacturer, part number and source?
