This is why I recommended using a dyno to tune the A/F... After the first hit or two, we knew which direction we needed to go with the jetting and after about 5 or 6 runs, we pretty much had it dialed in..

Another advantage to having the dyno, at least in my case is, the dyno operators were schooled on Nitrous and not only did I get to use their machine, but I also got to pick their brain for some valuable information..

On a side note, I was at the chassis dyno shop pretty much all day, spend almost a full 8 hours on the machine and since I was the one wrenching and making all the changes, they only charged me half price which was a considerable savings..

Also, I started out with the MSD 6AL box and manually decreased the timing.. Since then I went to the MSD 6 Digital box, which has a rotary switch to decrease the timing when the nitrous system is activated..