
superwrench; I HATE you!!!

All weekend long I had to hear from the wife about how gorgeous that pink car was, why can't I build one that nice, that's the most beautiful Mopar she's ever seen, blah...blah...blah. You're killin me!!!

Seriously, nice ride!

Thanks.....now get this.....

We're sitting back at the pits after the 2nd run on Saturday just waiting for the anouncement for the 32 car field, and two soon-to-be pit woofies come strolling by and ask if they can have their picture taken beside my Pink Pig.
So...they get their pic, and then they decide it would be a great idea if they'd get me to autograph their..... .. well..you know...!!
You shoulda seen and heard my wife....she asked me just exactly how big my head was after that !!!!
Yeah....I was sorta astounded with the comments on the car.....I don't even consider it as nice as most people see it, but I guess it must be OK.
It's nowhere near as nice as it was before I decided to go racing with it.