
Well, the weather here in Zoo York seems a little less gloomy than what they(the forecasters)were indicating, so it must be just as well at the Pitts.
Wish good weather for the fellas down there even though I decided not to chance it.
I'm going back to the old Indian weather predictions, they had it straight.

The weather here in the Tri-State area has been really bad with tons of rain/water. A lot of devastation in the eastern Pittsburgh, PA area and out lying areas. I am just getting the lower level cleaned out at my step-sons house. As I said BG asked my to trailer my Dart up, but with more rain on the way through today.....just don't like sitting in the trailer in the rain at the strip with so much to do else where.
Right now it is cloudy with the sun popping out once in a great while, but the weather showed another rain segment coming in from Ohio...Youngstown area going SE