Originally Posted by cudaman1969
I’m not running a filter, too much restriction -hp loss. Stick a bunch of magnets in the pan and valley to catch the iron particles. Aluminum and brass won’t hurt anything. If engine blows no filter will save you, it’s over so fast you can’t shut it down quick enough. Streets a different animal. Besides how can dirt get into a closed engine unless you’re racing in a plowed field or building it out under the oak tree. First start up use plain jane oil for 5-10 minutes then change out to the good stuff. Use the magnetic drain plug, if it’s got trash on it pull the pan and start checking.

Aluminum degrades into aluminum oxide, the grit used in sandpaper, and does so VERY fast.After grinding clearance in my new aluminum block, and missing some fine aluminum particles during cleanup, it took out my bearings (scratched) and the crank needed to be polished. So filters are vital. I firmly believe multiple filters that allow enough fine filtering and flow, along with a well designed magnetic filter to catch fine iron particles would be a good way to go.

8.582, 160.18 mph best, 2905 lbs 549, indy 572-13, alky