I'll start with a question.

Do you want it to be like exactly like an original 1970 Floor shift or just look good and work correctly?

When they moved the key from the dash to the steering column starting in 1970, they added a lock the steering wheel when the key is removed. They also added an interlock to prevent the key from being removed and locking the wheel while driving.

Pretty much all column shift cars are the same 70 and later. (There are differences but nothing spectacular)

1970 floor shift cars had a one year only interlock system. 71 and later floor shift cars used a simpler system.

There are a few questions you need to answer.

Is the original column shift column still in the car or did they change the column?

If they changed the column is it a 70 floor shift column or a 71 and later column?

Under the hood, a 70 floor shift column will have a tab on the side of the column to move the key interlock system. It looks exactly like a column shift column tab to move the shift linkage under the hood. BUT a 1970 floor shift column will not have the lever or place to mount a lever on the steering column inside the car.

On a 71 and later floor shift column there will be no tab under the hood and behind the key there will be a tab to depress so you can remove the key.

I can round up some pictures if you need me to.

Do you have any pictures of the inside or underhood of the car you are waiting on?