there is only ONE person i lend any of my tools to, and that guy respects and treats my tools with kid gloves. he is also a fellow machinist and probably my oldest friend.
when i need something, he is there for me as well.
at times, accidents will happen, no matter how careful we try to be. [ALL accidents are PREVENTABLE, as all the safety videos say biggrin] if that occurs, either of us replaces the broken item with the same, or better quality, item.
when that occurs, there is the back and forth bitc$h session of "you duma$$, you didn't HAVE to do that !"........
also, all the broken tools get tossed into a 5 gallon bucket to be used when we need to fabricate a tool for a "one use or oddball" application.
over the years, we have acquired quite a collection of those types of tools. ya never know when we will need it again...............[probably never laugh2]