Originally Posted by Cab_Burge
I've bought and use many different brands of stroker cranks from CAT (Call Auto Transport (China company) to) to KB, Bryant, Oho Crankshaft CO, and Molnar. Most of them had the front edge of the counterweights rounded off like the front edge of airplane wings and the back sides tapered down to nothing like the back edges of airplane wings are scope up

Yes…that’s what I thought of throughout this whole topic. I thought exactly of airplane wings. Rounded raidius front and tapered edge on rear. If calling gets me nowhere, I might do this myself. I have the equipment and ambition.

Last edited by Chargerfan68; 01/31/23 03:36 PM.

1.50 60Ft. , 10.75@ 127MPH Hauling 3900 LBS.