I was reading over the ‘what are you listening to tonight’ thread (lots of great tunes!) and it got me wondering what setups everyone has at home to listen to music. I know this subject has been discussed before but I can’t find it, search function whups my butt every time. I have gotten back into listening to music regularly instead of sports radio as my background noise in the house and shop…and I’ve been upgrading my audio setup.

I’ve got a JVC record player, Sony CD player, and a Bluetooth adapter feeding into a Marantz 2270 receiver. The Marantz is powering some Klipsch Forte speakers…really the muscle car equivalent of a sound system. 12” woofer, 70 watts per channel of useable power, and 12 gauge speaker wire, totally overkill. Music sounds amazing on this system…I also have a cool little 5 watt two channel tube amp my friend built in his garage. It isn’t as powerful, but it sounds great with certain types of music. What setups do you have? I bet some people had some awesome systems back in the 70s and 80s…
