Cell phones are good for certain shots but not the best for full videos. Typical sports cameras like GoPros lend far more flexibility. People who are fairly serious buy real cameras or specific video cameras.

How do you get a sponsor? Earn tens of thousands of subscribers, produce quality videos than appeal to the desired sponsors, and stay far away from political topics and anything that would set off SJWs. In other words, fuggataboutit. Notgonnahappen.

Get decent editing software and learn it. Little thing done in editing make big differences.

Don't be dry. Let your personality out but don't be fake. If you're watching a clip for the 6th time in editing and find your attention drifting then you're likely to lose your audience, too.

Your work has to appeal to someone. I struggle to get views. I also struggle to capture my personality because I fall back into instructor mode when I should be hanging out and shooting the breeze with my viewers.

Sometimes a video takes off. My craptastic video making the rose out of copper pipe crossed over into crafting and rocketed to 1.2 million views. The more recent videos of the 541 stroker only have a few hundred views.

You will not make appreciable money. I might bring home $100 each month but even that is iffy.

Keep your videos short if you can. 10-15 minutes works for most things. Longer than that and you start losing viewers.

We are brothers and sisters doing time on the planet for better or worse. I'll take the better, if you don't mind.
- Stu Harmon