Originally Posted by polyspheric
Will GV accept drive & direction from both ends?
Can the mounts be reversed front/rear?
Driveshaft length is the same, U joints are?
See where I'm going?

Can it be used as both 7778:1 overdrive (3.55:1 axle becomes 2.76:1 to kill RPM, reduce gas use, NVH cruising) and by swapping input ends as 1.286:1 underdrive (3.55:1 axle becomes 4.56:1)!!

Easier than changing a ham since you lose no fluid or gaskets, need not pull the axles, etc. The GV is partially subsidized by not buying another 9" center section.

There must be a good reason not to do this that I can't see...

You would be applying power in the opposite rotational direction. I wouldn’t think the gears are cut in such a way as to hold up to that. Don’t know for sure though.

Last edited by Pacnorthcuda; 01/01/21 09:51 PM.