My stepson's '10 Avenger 2.4 with 153k on it has an intermittent p0302 (cylinder #2 misfire) popping up.

This started about 3 months ago. Sometimes in the morning or after sitting for several hours (we're in SoCal so weather's not a factor) it will run ragged for about 5-10 seconds before smoothing out. Other times it will run fine all the time but every few days it will still log the 0302 when it appears to be running fine from startup thru driving around for a few days.

It has fresh plugs in it. So far I've swapped the coil, plug, and injector with other cylinders but the problem stays on number 2. If I shut it off in time when it starts ragged and pull the plugs, #2 is wet. I can stick my borescope camera down the holes and #2 piston is wet; the others all look fine.

Also pulled the intake, cleaned everything up, and replaced the gasket. Compression is fine across the board.

All the wiring appears to be fine - in SoCal corrosion is rarely a factor. I pulled the big harness connectors off of the PCM. The PCM pins are clean and straight. I pinched the 2 little coil wire connectors closed a little bit to ensure a good connection at the coil.

All of the injectors were pulled, cleaned, and rebuilt with new o-rings and screens.

Anybody have any ideas before I plunk down $$ for a PCM? help