Originally Posted by varunner
The .033" is really a shot in the dark. But you know once I think about it, did I just only change how much the mixture screws are screwed out ? I started at .022/.066 with screws at 2 turns out. Now at .033/.069 at 1.25 turns out ? Surely there's more to it than that, can't be that simple..........

Originally Posted by lewtot184
ok, I just ran some numbers. going from .022" to .033" increased the area 225%, that's a lot. so going from .066" to .069" is about 9.5%. so maybe a 9.5% correction isn't bad at the IAB. i'd still look at stuff like leaky power valve (fluttering), float level/fuel pressure vs small needle and seats. i'm done; good luck!

ok, I thought I was done. the 225% is high (I think). the .022" jet is 44% of the .033" jet, so maybe about 150% change. still a lot and further than I have gone.
as fuel volume increases (more jet area) then more control may be needed (mixture screws). the mixture screws are like a faucet; they control volume. you did a very noticeable volume increase.