Before I opened up the restriction, I could stall it no problem. Only about .03" of the slot was exposed. Now, you can;t stall it. I'm sure I now have the throttle blades opened up enough to be on transfer system. It was hard to start this last time. Before that easy to start. RPM in gear hasn't changed much. Now idle speed in gear is 1100 10.5 vac. Idle is 1400 13 vac

Originally Posted by fast68plymouth
Can you stall it by closing the mixture screws?

Judging by the pics of the baseplate, the primary slots look rather long.
My guess is....... there is too much showing after you opened the blades more to change the idle speed from 1100 to 1400.

Have you qualified any of the other low speed concerns?
Still starts good?
Idles any better/worse in gear?

Also, what is the idle speed in gear, and what is the vacuum reading idling in gear?