Originally Posted by McLovin
I'm seriously tired of everything being digitized, automated and connected. Do we really need 'smart' refrigerators now?
Just because It-can-be-done, doesn't mean It should be done. Doesn't seem to be the prevailing mentality today with electronics.

The less we as humans are required to do for ourselves, the less we will be able to do for ourselves. The more that our cars (and other appliances) do for us, the more we as drivers rely on our cars to do for us and that's dangerous;
It's becoming Cars-Drive-People, not People-Drive-Cars. Can lead to a false belief (subconsciously) that Drive Skill-Awareness isn't needed.

[quote}I will not trust a 4000 lb machine at 80 mph to do everything and tell me what to do. There is no replacement for a safe, conscientious driver. I'll turn around and look, thanks.
So true. But the Autonomous crowd would disagree with you

Last edited by PhillyRag; 02/16/20 02:29 AM.