Originally Posted by dthemi
Almost did something similar. I had a real A12 1969.5 440 6pak hemi 4 speed, super bee in pieces, and a 1 of 4 70 charger also in pieces with a garage FULL of everything including extras, you name. I inherited all this junk so to speak, and wanted rid of it as I have zero interest in anything but race cars. Trying to sell this junk even with galen letters, and ALL supporting docs was a 2 year night mare. I finally sold it all to a buddy with the condition that every last piece of it was hauled off at once. Had he not arrived, and bought I would have dumped it all in the land fill, and had arrangements made to do so. Talking to every booger eating mopar moron in the country made me furious. Even had several accuse me of scamming, and they weren't real because I only wanted 20 G for all of it. Stupid GD poor idiots drove me nuts.

The charger got sold at mecum for 75G, and they were still working on the 69.5 when last we spoke. That old rust bucket that got crushed, I hope the person aggravating him about it dropped dead when it was crushed. Would have been better to have him sit in it and crush both wastes of time at once.

Couldn't have said it better myself. In 1970 my dad quit drag racing and was selling off all the stuff. It was a nightmare...tire kickers, coupon clippers, scammers who would Jew my dad down and then flip it for profit...that really pissed the old man off because all those guys had the same sob story...I have a wife and 5 kids and I just want to do a little drag racing and then they pull that.

But the straw that broke my dads back was a really nice Offenhauser 2x4 intake. That was the last piece left. The old man figured he never sell it at the price he wanted. So he did one more ad (1970 so you younger types may not know what putting an ad in the paper is like) and cut his asking price in half. The ad runs out and my dad says well, it will sit on the shelf and when I die, throw it in the casket with me.

Couple of weeks later we are working on the dirt bikes and a guy calls and says he interested in the intake. So my dads says we are in the shop right now so come look at it.

He gets there and he's looking it over. My dad had already cut his asking price by half and this joker offers my dad 10% of his original asking price. The old man says way too low. And here is where the perspective buyer blew it. He says I've been watching your ads for a couple of months and no one wants it. I'd be doing you a favor by taking it off your hands. At least you d get something for it!!!!!

My dad says for that kind of money, I'd smash the manifold with my sledge hammer and throw it in the trash. The guy says you wouldn't do that. Out comes the hammer, the old man beat it so badly that it would never be useable again and then walked over and threw it in the garbage can.

Then my dad says SEE YA.

So yes, coupon clipping, tire kicking cheap skate lying parts flippers can wear you down to the point you rather scrap something than give it away so some other puke can make money off you.

Screw those people.

Just because you think it won't make it true. Horsepower is KING. To dispute this is stupid. C. Alston