What Cab said, find/note what you have now (1) initial (2) total (dialback or timing tape) (3) RPM it reaches max adv. I would assume that you have a regular functioning (not locked out) dist & that the can just ain't hooked up. Do twist the rotor CCW & let loose & see if it snaps back (I'm sure it is OK). I would highly suggest the FBO $25 plate to limit the total once you get things fine tuned & get a timing tape or a dialback light. Wouldn't hurt to get the 14MM TDC checker that screws into the spark plug hole ($10.00) but likely you are OK there. Look down into the dist & see what springs you have (OE is a light one & a heavy one with an elongated loop on one end). When you get there, setting the initial with the "vac gauge method" is fine tuning that part & 36 it a good ballpark total (checked with the can capped or non op like it is now). Bottom line you want as much timing as it will take (A) with out balky cranking especially when hot (for the initial) and mix & match the spring combo so you are staying just under the pinging point at WOT up thru the gears on your hottest/driest (most likely to ping) day. Peoples' hearing varies & I would assume octane varies somewhat so give it a cushion but you want to be close to that line (pinging) but NEVER over it. ANY pinging is extremely damaging.

live every 24 hour block of time like it's your last day on earth