Dave like we talked yesterday for what you have planned just proceed as necessary. Get the head fixed and throw a decent gasket on it and watch it. Is it optimal, no but will it get you buy the rest of the year, likely so. Obviously the 110 was the biggest issue and the piston tops show some detonation. Watch the oil pressure as well as detonation will KILL rod bearings.

As for the carb, I have one sitting at home ready for Q if you need it. Say the word and it will be on its way. Or send me yours, we can make it ready for Q. Just say the word.

Also the dragster is sitting at the house waiting for you if you need it too. Wish I was closer you could use it this weekend. If you need it to finish out the year or at the ET finals its all yours. Also if you need any bits and pieces I am sure we can help. I have a fresh set of heads as well as the carb..

Last edited by Al_Alguire; 08/14/17 01:57 PM.

"I am not ashamed to confess I am ignorant of what I do not know."

"It's never wrong to do the right thing"