run the ign1 (run) blue wire to the upstream end of the ballast and T'd to the blue/yellow ECU pentastar connector terminal (might be solid blue). run the ign2 (crank) brown wire to the downstream end of the ballast. connect that downstream end of the ballast to the coil positive primary terminal. connect the coil negative primary terminal to the black/yellow ECU pentastar connector wire. With the blue/yellow ECU terminal held at 9 0'clock, run the 11 0'clock ECU terminal (might be tan with a black tracer) to the male metal terminal on the ECU half of the zigzag pull apart zigzag connector. the female counterpart on the pickup zigzag will be black, the other should be orange/orange. On the SR, duplicating the early stuff: I would run the ST terminal on the ign sw to the "ign" terminal & the "sol" large brown wire down to the starter solenoid & run the "grn" terminal to the NSS switch or permanently ground it as desired. EDIT we might (highly likely) be able to keep the current SR & just delete the one or two wires that wont be used when retrofitting to the earlier setup, we'd just need to find out what goes to where on the FI for a start.

Last edited by RapidRobert; 06/19/17 01:51 AM.

live every 24 hour block of time like it's your last day on earth