Crabman 173 said, "but are they not all the same China forging??--me thinks so I don not believe Callies used anything but import forgings just like everyone else--polish them nice and make them look good charge more."

Once again somebody throws mud without checking the facts. EVERY Callies branded crank or connecting rod is forged in the USA. Five minutes on their website would have informed you.

When Callies started losing sales to Chinese forgings they brought out a new brand, Compstar. The Compstar was/is competitive in price and features with the other Chinese forging brands.

If you go to the Callies Website you will see a page for cranks and a page for rods. Then you will see a page for Compstar. The Compstar products are not listed with the Callies parts.


Last edited by dogdays; 06/09/17 03:01 PM.