Pretty hard without knowing what you had/have.
Now at least its possible to make a guess that the 'metal insert' might have referred to the spring clip used on some universal refills to adapt them to the push-locks. (shown on the right side of this photo). Can't see enough in your photo. It does look like the refill is sticking out an 1" from the blade.

Like I posted above some people appreciate the original stuff so you'll find a buyer if you don't want to keep it. Can't help you on the "classic", never used them.

A Trico 43 series is a universal replacement that although little narrow and a fraction long, is the type I've used in the past. There might be a wider version but I stopped looking after picking up a set of correct old stock.
Something like these should be the correct fit.
But old stock is what it is. Its not for everyone or all situations. Just letting you know its there if you want it.