Well, $500 is a really fair price so since you want to do it, go for it. The drivetrain is about bulletproof except for the engine, but it shouldn't be hard at all to find parts for the old flathead 6. They were in use into the '70s here and there but in passenger cars they stopped in '59 or '60.

Don't expect to find any synchronizers in the transmission, it'll be a crashbox and you'll need to learn double-clutching to shift down.

The two speed rear would be something like 7.17/5.83. At 4000 rpm that six will sound like it's going to fly out of the engine compartment. You can figure out speed from tire size, gear ratio and 4000 rpm.

One of my first vehicles was a 1933 Ford 1 1/2 ton with no bed. I drove it around but never did license it. The ride was pretty rough, the rear end bounced around like mad. I had to sell it during a cash crisis.

Good luck and I hope you can find some low cost tires!
