not what i was looking for but does answer your first question Robert -
from the 1982 Direct Connection engine mod book

Gold Box Race Electronic Control Unit P4120600
The new "Gold Box" electronic control unit P4120600
is the latest high performance ignition system from
Chrysler. It is designed to give better performance at
high engine speeds, more reliability and versatility, and
has a flat dwell curve.

It is assumed that the new Gold Box will be replacing an
older Chrome Box (P4007298, P4120505, p4120534) and
therefor the complete step-by-step instructions for in-
stalling an electronic ignition are not given here. If they
are needed, please refer to page 253 of this bulletin.

The Gold Box is not a complete ignition system by
itself. It is a direct replacement for the Chroime Boxes
and is wired the same way. The diagram is for reference
only. If the ignition system is is being converted from
something other than the Chrome Box, use the in-
structions on page 253and a new wiring harness

Refer to the application Figure 25-6 for the actual pieces
to use - coil, ballast resistor - for your application.
Do not mix and match components.

With this high output ignition system it is highly
recommended that the Direct Connection high per-
formance, 8mm, metal core, spark plug wires be used
to get the full performance from the engine the the
ignition system offers.

It it very worthwhile to mount the control box, coil and
ballast resistors in as cool a place as possible - especially
with the high rpm system.

Some suggested locations are: the inner fender skirt,
the radiator baffle, the grille cavity, or the outer
firewall area (interior is probably what was meant)

When mounting the electronic control unbit, remember
that the exposed power transistor case is electrically
hot. The unit should be mounted in an area which
minimizes the possibility of shorting the transistor
when working in the engine area. Shorting the power
transistors to the heat sink or any ground while the power is
on may damage the control unit.

up to 5500 rpm: production coil 0.5 - 0.7 ohm ballast resistor

up to 6000 rpm: Accel 140001...0.5 - 0.8 ohm ballast resistor

up to 10.5Krpm: P3690560 coil........0.25 ohm ballast resistor

P3690560 coil = Accel 140306. The race coil combination is
NOT for prolonged use under 2000 rpm, use only ECU coil and
resistor combination listed. Do NOT mix and match components.