for me it is more important to see how easy it is to replace the part.
while I don't drive cross country in my old car anymore, there was a time it was important that if I were in podunk, I could get a new alt or VR to get me moving again.

So the chain mattered as much as the part being a "stock" part for something.

So while powermaster may have a lot of conversion pieces, if I have to wait 2 weeks to get it, I am not as interested as the standard m-body alt with a few mods to the car, that I can pick up with a lifetime warranty for 50 bucks anywhere.

Same goes for the VR. thought I use a single field vr instead of the modern dual field.
Mostly because at the time,you could still pick up single field alt's.
So I had the most felxiblilty with that set up. which ever one they had, I could wire in.

Same goes with the gm stuff. might work,but requires being able to swap pulley's, so not as interesting to me.

Of course I went eventually with the magnum engine and the "modern" accessories, still using the single field VR and the 120 amp alt.
so I am good for a while in being able to pick up replacement parts at the local parts house.