Well I understand the why and also understand the crowd involved. This has to be the hardest crowd in all over motorsports to please, the Mopar crowd that is. Seem like all they want to do is complain, then spread the word. This has been IMO a largely self inflicted wound. Every year I hear about people complaining about parking, entry, weather, swap meet blah blah blah. Then spread the word about how this was bad or that stunk then viola, you have an event in trouble. I applaud the Painter family for sticking with it, unfortunately knowing the Mopar crowd as I do this will mark the beginning of the end for this event. They will now have yet another reason to not attend this event. I hope I am wrong and that all you Mopar guys out there show up in force and show the Painter family they do not need other makes in all the classes. However I feel the opposite will be the outcome..

"I am not ashamed to confess I am ignorant of what I do not know."

"It's never wrong to do the right thing"