Would seem to me that if an engine made 700 hp continuously over a wide range of rpm(let's say from 3000 to 7000 rpm) that it would be faster in a quarter mile than an engine that makes 700 hp at finally at say 7000 rpm only.

Isn't this why electric motor power vehicles are so quick,,,,peak torque begins at zero rpm?

Therefore if using or not using nitrous,,,,all the the numbers might change the quarter mile et's and mph based upon rather or not nitrous(or super or turbo chargers) were part of the formula, even if peak hp of each combination remained at 700 hp.

Some of you into HI Fi systems recall that an amp rated at peak 200 watts performs far differently driving low efficiency speakers than one that produces 200 watts over a wide range of frequencies.

I have no idea of all this, just wondering.

When does the ground war begin!

Last edited by Sxrxrnr; 06/28/15 05:25 AM.