Originally Posted By RapidRobert
next time it acts up: (1) pull the yellow wire off of the starter relay to disable the starter (2) pull the dist secondary wire & hold it (dist end) 1/4" from a ground (intake) (3) seperate the dist pickup zigzag connector (4) have a helper hold the ign key to "start" (5) you under the hood & drag the metal tip of the body half of the zigzag connector across the metal intake to make/break ground with your right hand and hold the coil secondary wire 1/4" from ground with your left hand & see if you get profuse sparks. You gotta work FAST while the pickup is still hot to get a valid test as you are (A) isolating the pickup/reluctor gap and (B) testing it when it is HOT & electronics can cool off FAST once the current stops). Holler back


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