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It’s pretty exciting news when one of the largest, most active forums in the Mopar enthusiast industry offers to help grow your publication. That is why we’re so honored to announce the partnership between Mopar Connection Magazine and Moparts.com, the premier Mopar performance enthusiast forum.

As Mopar Connection continues to deliver on its promise of daily news, full-length features, technical how-to stories and basically everything else it takes to make you keep coming back for more, every single update will be made accessible through Moparts.com.

Read the rest of the article at Mopar Connection Magazine HERE!

Last edited by Rustymuscle; 10/06/19 01:08 AM.

Mopar Connection Magazine, your source for daily news, real-world tech, features and much more.
Got a comment, question, or a story? Email me at kevin.shaw@shawgroupmedia.com