I posted this over on the general board earlier today.....

This morning, I ran a few errands with the Dakota. Got done early so I decided to take a drive down to Galveston, partly to clear my head after all the fussing and cussing done over the Dakota the past few days.

I quickly realized three things......

1) First and foremost, the Dak is a TRUCK and rides like one.
2) This was the furthest I'd driven it since I bought it. Every little noise had me
3) Galveston wasn't far enough. It runs so good now, I'd like to take it on a roadtrip out to Austin or San Antonio. Maybe even back East if I get adventurous.

Haven't calculated it yet, but, my MPG has come up. Normally it hits half a tank at about 120-130 miles. Between last night's drive and I what I drove today, I've covered 112 miles, and its sitting dead on the 3/4 tank mark.

Just need to take care of a few more minor mechanical things, and I can start working on making it look good again.