


I was kicking the idea around about using a Daytona chassis for a ladder bar small tire car.

Is this a possibility?
Where would a guy start?
I believe Mopar used to sell a kit to convert these to RWD...... What did this kit consist of?

By the popularity of the Fox body in small tire racing I figured the Daytona is similar in size and weight..... It's just the fwd that messes things up.

That kit consisted of 3 tubes basically, front one
was part of a K-member, trans mount tube and I think
the third was the rear upper shock mount... that
kit is no longer available from MP.. but I heard
there was someone making his version... but in
that class I dont think you want to go that way

Do you have to fab a trans tunnel for the Daytona?

I'm sure you would.. I did on my P-body.. the tunnel
in the G-body was for a exhaust pipe.. and it wasnt
very big.... by the way.. if any one is looking for
a 91 Daytona I have one for sale.. its gutted but
still on 4 wheels and has the ground effect stuff