If it has externally adjustable slots like the MP Mallory built one does then you would set the initial then adj the slots to get 36 total (initial+slot length). If you have to take off the reluctor and the plate assy to get to the springs/slots like with the old reliable OE dists then you would stick a pair of needlenose pliers down there & expand the vertical tips of the clip as much as you can several times which ain't much then with the reluctor pushed down for maximum clearance down there, grab one of the vertical legs & swing it around the open side & up to get it out of there. When done & going back together set the clip on the rounded nub & on both sides of it push it down till it's in the shaft nub groove then squeeze the ends together with your needlenose pliers several times. they wont go all the way together but get em somewhat closer so the reluctor cannot come up past the rounded nub. also when removeing the reluctor have a helper press down on the center shaft as you lever the reluctor up and off the shaft with 2 screwdrivers then switch to tire irons being carefull not to mar/damage anything. You want the slotted plate to stay on the 2 nubs while the reluctor is being removed all the way off of the shaft. EDIT bend the clip back to normal before reinstallation: circular part flat and even and legs vertical

Last edited by RapidRobert; 09/16/14 10:58 AM.

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