
Those are the last 2 digits of the OE part number( need a parts book to indentify and I dont have mine handy )

I have a 69 parts book, and i looked things up, as I'm curious about this air cleaner thing.
Last month i helped out a repair shop owner, in figuring out if they are working on a California 69 Charger, or a Federal 69 Charger.
A 440 R/T car.
That's who i sold the unsilenced air cleaner to.

Anyway, my parts book shows the last two digit numbers 92 R4392A to be for the center carburetor for a 6 pack set up.
So that doesn't work out here.

Chrysler part number 2946592 shows that number for two different Carter 4 bbl carbretors.
4618S without AC
4640S with AC
Both are listed as automatic transmission carburetors.

Well, I'm confused, so that's my on this post.
Jim V.

I just did some more poking around in Galen Govier's "white book" and it shows the 92 for the 4640S Carter carburetor.
But as another poster responded, i guess we can't tell if that Carter was for all 50 states, and not just for California.
Well, at least you now know what carb, your car was born with.

Last edited by hemi71x; 07/12/14 01:45 PM.

RF-4C Phantom 69-370 Zweibrucken, Germany