go to sherwin williams for mopar impact colors,ppg couldn't get one right if they tried,,I've painted that color when it was still stocked in dealership shops,for 30+ years,.........nowaday's and since B/C became popular S-W,is the king of mopar colors. especially blues,FC7,J5,FM3,they even have AA1 and A4 silver(difficult to lay down) down pat. and the oranges,very good color formula's,although all the 999 codes are hit and miss,you need a good mopar paint guy that has the interest to dig those up.coincidently,my shop in the background,was built in '69 as a chrysler dealership,that '69 sat. was sold there new,I apprenticed there, and it went belly up,the town was way too small(8500 pop.) for a dealership that big back then,they starved to death,and walked away from it in '74,and moved to the big city.