

Yeah, I heard the babbling about the high cost of springs,etc and thought it sounded awfully high.But then again, it came out of W.J's mouth so I didn't put too much stock in it.The best W.J. babble came from a post race interview years ago. He had just had a lengthy staging duel with Scott Geoffrion,got beat on the tree, and beat to the stripe E.T. wise and was "unhappy". He said something to the effect of "The punk should learn how to race before pulling something like that". I thought,he just beat YOU at both ends of the track dude,pipe down and move on. Wasn't he wining pretty consistently about 6 or 8 years ago until there was some sort of a new fuel testing rule passed, then suddenly he's a middle-of-the-packer?

That sounds a bit like revisionist history. Johnson won that race.

Hard to believe that was almost 20 years ago now. Thanks for the remembrance.

Fastest 300