

I would put a reliable tach in the car to watch. The only other issue I could think of might be a rotor phasing issue or an issue with the pickup in the distributor.

You don't have solid core plug wires too, do you?

i have tried two different distributors, same issue. doesn't mean both of them aren't whacked, you never know.

firecore wires, not solid core.

and yes, i'll search for a good tach to put in the car for testing...

Not a big fan of Firecores. Have you tried another set? I use MSD wires for everything I own. The rotor may be out of phase. You have to check this and don't assume just because you have had two distributors that it can't be that. Drill a hole at number one and scribe a line that bisects the rotor then aim the timing light into the hole and rev it to 6000 RPM or whatever the highest rpm it will go up to 6000. Where is the line? It should be aimed at number one. What is your total timing set at? Do you have a degree'd damper so you can check this?