If you already have the Superbird lower valance corners, just take a tracing off those and apply it to the fender's lower edge, you only need 1" of extra material to create a lip that you roll over by whatever method you choose, hammer and dolly, or weld some steel stock to a pair of vise grips, basically making a large set of duckbill vise grips, or basically a mini metal break, so that you can bend over the lower 1" lip you've created by cutting off a portion on the lower dog leg of the fender, one thing to keep in mind, that most neglect until it's too late (often in paint at that time) is to assemble the nose onto the car, with the lower valance corners in place, you'll find that the outer upper corners of the nose project pass the tops of the Coronet's fender lines where they meet up with the nose, the factory leaded the top of the fender peaks to create a smooth transition between the top corner of the nose and the top fender peak/crease of the Coronet fender, you can either create this with lead, or body filler, depending on your skill sets, remember to remove the headlite structure spot welded to the fender, you don't need it, and Superbird fenders didn't have it, Superbirds also had no holes/screening cut for the fender scoops, unlike the Daytona's scoop set up
