
How about boxing the frame and replacing the axle/rear end on the car? Or should I just contact the man with the plan and get my self a new chassis made?

Boxing is for flimsy F@rd frames. Climb under there and take a look. The entire front section is curved and boxed. The center section has a very strong X member. This will probably be in the way of the transmission. The rear section is pretty stout, but may need boxing, depending on what suspension is attached. V-10 torque is not a plaything...
What you can afford is the determining factor, with or without you doing the labor. That truck engine is a heavy lump, and it won't fit the body or chassis without some cutting.

Plan out all aspects, and price stuff out. It may be cool to take a body you have and an engine you got at a good price and toss them together, but it might be better to sell the engine and build the easier combo first. I've only seen maybe a dozen running/driving V-10 rods, and NONE of them were low buck...

Ask the guy that swapped the V10 into the dakota what is needed to get an idea.