


...I believe this member bought a PTC from all the "good word" touted here...and I have no doubt that alot of people are happy with the product. As the person involved with the company stated, everyone has that "one" deal that just doesn't fly.. but seeing a guy haul his car from Sacramento to Vegas just to have it break before he even made a pass.... no thanks. I will add though, he did say that they bent over backwards trying.

You still haven't even said what kind of problems you had.

Well - since I'm the one referenced. Let me preface this with 2 things. First, the PTC converter worked great. Second, Kenny and Lane are absolutely stellar and will do whatever they havef to do to try and make something right.

Now, for my horror story. I went through 7 PTC converters in a year. 4 broken internally (I didn't open them up, just sent them back and got replacements) but never got more than 10 runs on any converter, 1 snout too long (yet it was supposed to be one of the converters I had sent back), 1 input shaft splines looked like they had been machined by a 3 year old, 1 with holes in the welds so it shot fluid everywhere.

As for the story J Body mentioned. I had broken a PTC converter during a race at Sacramento shifting from 2 to 3 - which took me out in the semi's. The next week was Pink's All Out in Vegas. Call Kenny and he sends me a new one, I pay the shipping for the new one and to send the old one back. Receive it on Wednesday. Thursday tow the Demon to Al's shop in Fairfield (83 miles away) to put it in (my trans was fun to take out). Try to put in the converter - no go - half of the splines in the snout are not there and the others are uneven. Call Kenny, pay overnight shipping to ge another one on Friday. Receive it Friday afternoon, drive back to Al's shop. We get the new converter in at 9pm, but no time to test the stall or anything else - hey it went on an no fluid came out of it. Drive home, pack everything up, get up uber early and do the 11 hour tow to Vegas. Pit next to Al, go through tech. Come back to the pit and Al says. "Hey let's test the stall since we never got a chance to do that." OK - fire it up, finger on the button, bring it up and BANG. Another converter let's go. Push it into the trailer and play pit b!tch for others over the weekend.

A a running joke, we had the 7 little PTC stickers lined up on one of Al's toolboxes - kinda like fighter pilot kills.

Again - I have nothing but nice things to say about Kenny and his crew - he will literally bend over backwards to help. But, I just ran out of patience and as I mentioned pulling my trans is not the funnest thing in the world. So, I decided to lick my wounds and go with a much recommended ATI. Car ran great with it, but I only had a handful of passes on it before I parked it. So, we'll see on the durability thing when I get back out there.