

I found a local blasting facility that is sand blasting the inside for $40. Heck of a deal if you ask me!!!

I was told to blast with caution, and not the inside. While blasting will clean the inside there will be little places where media (sand etc) sticks to the grease and you'll have a hard time seeing it or getting it out. Then it was clause issues with your diff down the road.

A solvent tank / Acid Dip process is a better route I think, as the grease is removed and the metal is clean.

If you have the outside blasted only seal up the housing really really well to prevent media from getting inside.


There was no oil or grease on the inside. It was dry as a bone and rusty and scaly. The axle ends really weren't that bad. The axles came out pretty easily as did the axle seals. I'll hit the axle seal and bearing ends with a cylinder hone just to clean them up a bit. It'll be good to go.