When using a deep pan the pickup is extended downward by some 3/4-1" and you needn't fill it up to same level you use with a stock pan. If you lower your fluid level by the amount of the pickup spacer you'll probably have more fluid than the stock pan since the valve body won't be in the sump so much.



NOTE: I do suggest that you DO NOT run a "deep" trans pan, as per my autocross/track experience, the additional volume of fluid only lends itself to run up the dip-stick tube and spill out into the engine bay. I've recntly installed a locking dip-stick assembly... haven't had any problems with spilling fluid. I'd stay with a stock-depth/volume oil pan for the trans. (I have thought of adding some internal fluid baffles inside the trans pan, perhaps with a deeper pan, just to see IF that would have help eliminate the gushing of fluid during extremely hard LEFT-hand manuevers, which would also include deceleration within a LEFT-hand manuever).