


The MCIR event will feature a full NMCA-rules N/SS program. $1000.00 is guaranteed to the winner and we pay back 16 cars!

BONUS - If 32 or more cars appear in the first round, we'll add $500 to the pot, so the winner will receive $1500.00. If we get 64 cars, we'll do it again and the winner will get a cool $2000.00!

NOSTALGIA SUPER STOCK. All makes, NSS/A 10.00, NSS/B 10.50, NSS/C 11.00, NSS/D 11.50, NSS/E 12.00, NSS/F 12.50 index.
Also includes Nostalgia Factory Experimental, AAA/FX 8.75, AA/FX 9.00, A/FX 9.25, B/FX 9.50, C/FX 9.75 index.
Class runoffs for trophy (NSS/A, B, C, D, E, F, FX), plus all-run cash eliminator.

NSS $1000* winner; $500 runner-up; $250 semis; $100 quarters, $50 eighths.
*NSS BONUS: 32+ cars = $1500 to win. 64+ cars = $2000 to win.

Who's in?

I'm just asking a question...so people don't blow a nut...Why would you pay out more money for a BRKT Racer...Than a person willing to put on a show,go faster on a true 10'5 tire than all these other 10,000 brkt classes that ur haveing?...i mean common ya got a.afbcdesthy class and then another..lokfgoted class..and so on and so on...I guarantee ya...when you call out a heads up class the fence gets filled with people...Why?...Cause its just like watching a NASCAR Event...people watch for the wrecks...but yet you don't want to pay out any money for the true 10'5 tire guys...lets do this charge every person $10.00 to grab a spot on the fence when the heads up racers are called out...u sure in the heck won't seem them at the fence for the brkt racers!!!...Does this post mean that i'm not getting my jack daniels if i show up next weekend?.... ,

No worries. That's what this forum is about; respectful dialogue. Here's my take.

Since Paul Suloff and I started the Max Wedge Shootout in 1994, the NSS racers have shown us nothing but support and have been rewarded for their loyalty. If you look closely, a similar offer is being made to 10.5 racers. 4 cars = $400.00, 8 cars = $1000.00, 16 cars = $2000.00, and so on. You guys just gotta show up.

When we started our Nostalgia Pro Stock program, guys got paid nothing and began coming out of the woodwork. Don't tell me those cars are cheap. Go price a Lenco and learn how to tune a clutch and dual Dominators. We now have 32 active participants and they each get paid a minimum of $250.00 just to show up.

Bottom line; put on a good showing at MCIR and I'll double the payout for Tri-State, August 25-26. BTW that's money out of my own pocket. Bring us a sponsor or two and the purse will only increase.

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