
On this run, 60ft was 1.53, shocks on 5, 7.5 psi, hot 90 degree day, car was nearly 2/10 slow.
Rear has been lowered 1-2" and back around an inch, ranchos are RS99116 as recommended by calverts, i have just pulled the shocks off the bottom mounts with the back hanging down and the shocks extend at least another 2-3" beyond the bottom spring eye.
The rear shackles are set as the mopar book, bottom facing the rear at roughly 45 degrees with the car on the ground.
Could i have upset the ic when i made the new front hangers?.

The IC will still be the same (front spring length)
but the location of the IC would move rearward IF
you made the front hanger longer to move the axle
rearward... tire pressure might need changing...
7.5 seems low to me but thats a trial and error thing
based on the weight and tire size.... I think you
need to stiffen the shock and dont be afraid to go
to #9