
Hotchkis E max Challenger driven by an Actor

Posted By: racealittle

Hotchkis E max Challenger driven by an Actor - 12/17/12 06:42 PM

Looks like an interesting show, don't know how credible he is.
Posted By: amxautox

Re: Hotchkis E max Challenger driven by an Actor - 12/17/12 06:55 PM

Depends on what you wanted out of a car 'back in the day'. Same as today, we think the cars are built great, but in 40 years people will talk about the 'crappy build quality' of today's cars. And we here now are complaining about some of the crap quality, so you know it'll be talked about in 40 years, IF ANY of today's cars even last that long. I have my doubts. Plastic doesn't last as long as steel.

In the '70s the cars stood up great for all the crap we put them thru.

Back in the 50s the cars were built great, same for the '60s, & '70s for the day. The '80s: no where nears as good a build quality, '90s getting better again. Kept getting better as the years came up with better technology. And so on.
Posted By: amxautox

Re: Hotchkis E max Challenger driven by an Actor - 12/17/12 07:12 PM

Man he keeps saying inaccurate things, makes me wonder if I want to finish watching the vid. I'm only 1:39 into the vid.
Posted By: Dan@Hotchkis

Re: Hotchkis E max Challenger driven by an Actor - 12/18/12 03:21 PM

I think he was just afraid to crash it. If you try and drive that car conservatively, you'll be slow.
Posted By: B-Body Bull

Re: Hotchkis E max Challenger driven by an Actor - 12/18/12 05:56 PM

He was getting blown off the track in both the old and the new, LoL. Quit talking and drive the dern things LOL.
Posted By: Uhcoog1

Re: Hotchkis E max Challenger driven by an Actor - 12/18/12 06:15 PM

That guy's attitude and perspective bother me. He goes in with the attitude that all muscle cars are crap, expecting the car to be slow. And what do you know?! He drives it slow.


I think he was just afraid to crash it. If you try and drive that car conservatively, you'll be slow.

I agree with that.

I haven't (and won't) watch any more of his videos, but I'm willing to bet he's not much of a driver in any car on a road course.
Posted By: Mopar Mitch

Re: Hotchkis E max Challenger driven by an Actor - 12/18/12 08:57 PM

Anyone's car -- old, new, muscle, sports, etc -- can have different design charachteristics for handling. The final decision maker, all the time, will be the nut behind the wheel!... Some nuts are better than other nuts when behind the wheel, regardless of the car's modifications, amount of $$ spent, etc.

Attached picture 7508876-DSC08414.jpg
Posted By: go-fish

Re: Hotchkis E max Challenger driven by an Actor - 12/21/12 07:31 AM


Depends on what you wanted out of a car 'back in the day'. Same as today, we think the cars are built great, but in 40 years people will talk about the 'crappy build quality' of today's cars.

I am a Reagan Baby and I'm still waiting on jet packs and a star wars defense system! I thought hover board travel was going to be "off the ground" by now. All we got was astronaut ice cream.

The way that worked out and the current trend of Fiestas and Aveos I think we will be pining for the old days of "quality" built 300's and Taurus' in the future.
Posted By: dodgeboy11

Re: Hotchkis E max Challenger driven by an Actor - 12/31/12 11:45 PM

I had to stop. The guy hasn't got a clue what he's talking about. Jumps in the mustang, supercharged mustang, and then calls it high compression. I won't even get into the other things he said that struck me as so wrong. Remember seeing this video before and could barely stand to sit through it that time.
Posted By: MuuMuu101

Re: Hotchkis E max Challenger driven by an Actor - 01/01/13 12:04 AM


I think he was just afraid to crash it. If you try and drive that car conservatively, you'll be slow.

My thoughts exactly. Who wouldn't be afraid to shoot a webcam show, while driving on a race track, with other cars that are trying to get by him as fast as possible, in a car he is unfamiliar with that doesn't belong to him? The last thing he wants is to crash a nice car while filming a webcam show.
Posted By: dodgeboy11

Re: Hotchkis E max Challenger driven by an Actor - 01/01/13 12:22 AM

It's one thing to drive conservatively and do a webcast at the same time, but it's something else entirely to trash the car and act like everyone is passing you because the car sucks when it's the driver who isn't driving the car to its potential.
Posted By: dangina

Re: Hotchkis E max Challenger driven by an Actor - 01/01/13 04:05 AM



I think he was just afraid to crash it. If you try and drive that car conservatively, you'll be slow.

My thoughts exactly. Who wouldn't be afraid to shoot a webcam show, while driving on a race track, with other cars that are trying to get by him as fast as possible, in a car he is unfamiliar with that doesn't belong to him? The last thing he wants is to crash a nice car while filming a webcam show.

true, if i was filming the show - i'd do it with the camera on for a lap, then I'd turn the camera off and see what the car can really do - then report back on your findings...
Posted By: BergmanAutoCraft

Re: Hotchkis E max Challenger driven by an Actor - 01/01/13 06:44 AM

Remember one thing, Matt is not a race car driver or an actor. He's never had a musclecar either.
Posted By: racealittle

Re: Hotchkis E max Challenger driven by an Actor - 01/01/13 06:05 PM


Remember one thing, Matt is not a race car driver or an actor. He's never had a musclecar either.

I call him an "actor" because that is what he is in this instance. I don't know what kind of credibility he lends to the situation of driving any car in a race or demonstration situation.

Therefore, actor, poser, or some other impolite or uncalled for things that come to mind could be used to describe what he is up to.
He is clearly acting in this peceived situation, or demonstration of his skills, (or lack of), while driving cars that are known as proven, performing cars when in the hands of a skilled, knowledgeable drivers.

My intent was never to slander the actor; just to highlight the car, and the comparisons seen in the presentation (show).

What the actor has done to himself, is truly his problem. The cars are the stars.
Posted By: amxautox

Re: Hotchkis E max Challenger driven by an Actor - 01/01/13 06:34 PM

He's 'acting' in front of a camera for a 'show'. He's an 'actor', in this case anyway. I never heard of him, don't trust his words, about the car, racing, anything. He seems to have no credentials. Why should we trust his word?

You want someone to review your Challenger, hire/let someone with car and race credentials test the Challenger.

How about Mike/Mr Angry from NY, NY. He's in Calif. now doing car vids in a business. Stu can probably get you in touch with Mike. Others will remember his last name and the name of the business and YouTube video series on cars and driving.
Posted By: TC@HP2

Re: Hotchkis E max Challenger driven by an Actor - 01/02/13 03:50 PM

Well, his "acting" is piss poor because he is blowing basic mechanical comments about muscle cars in general and the E-Max in particular. Bad choice of a driver for a taped segment, IMO, but not my car, not my dime. Personally, I couldn't finish watching the bit it was soo bad.
Posted By: Mopar Mitch

Re: Hotchkis E max Challenger driven by an Actor - 01/02/13 08:31 PM

I, too, agree with the poor acting and credibility of the video person. Maybe he was told what to say in a pre-written script by others affiliated with him in making the video. when i first saw the video, I was dissapointed in the way, and words, which it was presented. He hasn't been "around" long enough to have any good credentials, let alone accurate experience in this particular subject he presented.
Posted By: amxautox

Re: Hotchkis E max Challenger driven by an Actor - 01/03/13 09:59 PM


Get ahold of THIS guy, Mike Musto/MrAngry, if you want someone who knows how to DRIVE. He'll put your Challenger thru it's paces properly. He ain't no actor, OR poser. I'd be honored to meet him, even if he is just a kid.
Posted By: Dan@Hotchkis

Re: Hotchkis E max Challenger driven by an Actor - 01/03/13 11:06 PM

We are great friends with Mike.
Posted By: Russ.W.

Re: Hotchkis E max Challenger driven by an Actor - 01/06/13 10:53 PM


We are great friends with Mike.

Then there's no excuse!

Big fan of the Big Muscle videos Mike does. One of the only car review programs I can bare to watch.
Posted By: ScottSmith_Harms

Re: Hotchkis E max Challenger driven by an Actor - 01/07/13 12:46 AM


I, too, agree with the poor acting and credibility of the video person. Maybe he was told what to say in a pre-written script by others affiliated with him in making the video. when i first saw the video, I was dissapointed in the way, and words, which it was presented. He hasn't been "around" long enough to have any good credentials, let alone accurate experience in this particular subject he presented.

Agreed, and he's the last guy I'd let drive a car to promote my products (even if it wasn't intended to be a promotional plug?).

The problem using a guy like him as that while the real car guys know better, the vast majority watching it are uneducated, and accordingly will believe everything he spews.

If I were among the powers that be at Hotchkis I'd be pizzed!

*Another for Musto BTW
Posted By: 72Swinger

Re: Hotchkis E max Challenger driven by an Actor - 01/07/13 08:56 AM

Whats funny is there is a video of this tool driving Mr. Angrys Daytona clone on YouTube as well haha.
Posted By: amxautox

Re: Hotchkis E max Challenger driven by an Actor - 01/07/13 05:43 PM

Posted By: Colin Frolick

Re: Hotchkis E max Challenger driven by an Actor - 01/15/13 07:02 AM

give it to this guy

Attached picture 7547518-columns-stig.jpg
Posted By: TC@HP2

Re: Hotchkis E max Challenger driven by an Actor - 01/15/13 03:33 PM

So has the performance car market gone the way of reality tv where any joe schmo with a blog and a following is now a muscle car expert?
Posted By: amxautox

Re: Hotchkis E max Challenger driven by an Actor - 01/15/13 07:42 PM

I ain't a joe smoe, I HAVE acted in 1 play - in the 6th grade, I was the sheriff - I don't have any blog, I ain't no expert in anything - anymore - I used to be in dog obedience, but I do have a following, well my dog follows me around now and then. Let me have at that car.
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