
Starting to second guess my future.....................

Posted By: Thumperdart

Starting to second guess my future..................... - 03/04/10 01:56 AM

I`ve been beating the pavement forever, auditioning for bands, listning to loads of bs and I`m questioning my desire to live in Vegas and make music my career. I`m just not a city boy....more like a country boy that VISITS and plays the cities then heads back to my humble home so, to keep this race related;Is there anyone one out there that has a performance oriented shop/machine shop that can use me and keep me busy enuff to make a humble living? I`m willing to re-locate and would love to stay involved in the hi-po side of the biz and even see my work at local tracks beating the stuff I helped make happen...........I`m totally serious and have hit a few up on here but was told there wasn`t enuff work to go around.
Posted By: DemonDust

Re: Starting to second guess my future..................... - 03/04/10 02:03 AM

Just curious what type of music do you play?
Posted By: modified1090

Re: Starting to second guess my future..................... - 03/04/10 02:05 AM

sorry cant help with the job, but i can offer this advice, in the last issue of hot rod that i got the had an article giving advice on building a "hot rod resume" may be worth some thing to check it out..
good luck.
Posted By: Thumperdart

Re: Starting to second guess my future..................... - 03/04/10 02:10 AM

Thankxx...........the resume might be a good idea. Don`t get me wrong, I will always play drums but need to put that on the back burner and be realistic(did I say that?)and let it happen when it does instead of putting all of my faith in one basket. I play a few different styles of music but am mostly a rock guy. You can see and hear some OLD recordings and see my ugly mug at later.
Posted By: RoadRunnerLuva

Re: Starting to second guess my future..................... - 03/04/10 04:24 AM

Hey Dominic, ya sound really good...TEXAS GUITAR POUND!!! Hope your dream happens for ya man..good luck
Posted By: 70AARcuda

Re: Starting to second guess my future..................... - 03/04/10 04:25 AM

well..there is Pahrump ...Searchlight...Indian Springs..

all within a hour of vegas...
Posted By: Quicksilver440

Re: Starting to second guess my future..................... - 03/04/10 04:40 AM

I don't know how much they pay or if they are hiring....but maybe send a resume to:

They are in Bakersfield...close to Famoso. They mostly do LS Chevy stuff....
Posted By: fatman

Re: Starting to second guess my future..................... - 03/04/10 04:53 AM

Ray Barton Racing Engines had advertised a position recently.
Posted By: blue_stocker

Re: Starting to second guess my future..................... - 03/04/10 05:26 AM

Hey Dom, if your dream is to pursue music, by all means...DO IT! I quit my job as a machinist in '74 and fiddled more than anything, and I was a good studio/sessions drummer and I still am! I ended up going back to machine work and playing on the side. If you're serious, get real serious or drop it. If you're serious about being an engine builder or working in a serious race-type shop, pursue it. Whatever you do, get serious about it and pursue it at whatever the cost, whatever the sacrifice. Life's too short and shouldn't have any regrets about 'shoulda/coulda/didn't', that's a head game and don't do that to yourself! Nothing, but nothing speaks more than experience...been there, done it all! Best wishes to you...wb
Posted By: Thumperdart

Re: Starting to second guess my future..................... - 03/04/10 08:09 AM

WOW, I really appreciate your responses. I am very serious about my drumming but sometimes I think at 48 years old that it`s a pipe dream even though I`ve had songs on the radio and filled rooms all over the place. I`m really interested in joining a TEAM and doing the car thing and making drumming second for now as much as I hate to. I hear ya blue stocker and beleive me it`s tough to think that the reality is that music may be more of a hobby than a career but I`m at a crossroads and the time has come to make a serious decision about my future. Time will tell..........thankxx again......Da thump...
Posted By: Crizila

Re: Starting to second guess my future..................... - 03/04/10 01:39 PM

You might want to start with getting some ASE certifications. Almost a prerequisite these days if you are going in to any type of automotive field. A master cert would be all the better. Good luck!
Posted By: Thumperdart

Re: Starting to second guess my future..................... - 03/04/10 06:24 PM

I hear ya about the ASE stuff I was more less hoping someone on here that knows my crazy a$$ would give me a shot to prove myself. Funny thing; I probably know more than most of these kids w/ASE paper work from having 10 times the years of experience but today that doesn`t seem to matter. Thankxx all..............
Posted By: sixpackgut

Re: Starting to second guess my future..................... - 03/04/10 07:01 PM
Posted By: Thumperdart

Re: Starting to second guess my future..................... - 03/04/10 07:05 PM

Too funny................For years I made a living playing,partying,ladies all fun stuff for sure. A guy in L.A. called me about doing some recording for a movie who knows.
Posted By: maximum entropy

Re: Starting to second guess my future..................... - 03/04/10 07:36 PM

dude! don't give up on the dream! if they complain about your age, just do what i do- lie! (i'm fifty) ps, you have a pm.
Posted By: sixpackgut

Re: Starting to second guess my future..................... - 03/04/10 08:01 PM

i wanna get a fake ID that says i'm 27
Posted By: Kindafast

Re: Starting to second guess my future..................... - 03/04/10 08:49 PM


i wanna get a fake ID that says i'm 27

Not me I want one that says I am 70 that way everyone would say you look pretty good for your age. I am 53
Posted By: radar

Re: Starting to second guess my future..................... - 03/04/10 09:33 PM

Man I played bass for a living for years. Club acts, overseas tours, grinding it out in bars 4 nites a week, a little studio work.

Had to quit to get a real job. Now I'm doing commercial art- tattooing! I had a ball playing music but I never had the drive to 'try and make it' on a national level- way way way too much BS and the music industry is SO f'd, more and more every year. Seems like you don't need a good band, you need an entertainment lawyer, washboard abs, and hair in one eye.

Anyway, good luck with the music and good luck finding a racing machine shop job.

PS the article mentioned above was good, but written to a 19 year old audience. You don't seem ready to live off your girlfriend so you can get ray barton's coffee.

Posted By: emarine01

Re: Starting to second guess my future..................... - 03/04/10 09:59 PM

by day and by night, screw the age thing, ya only live once
Posted By: Quicktree

Re: Starting to second guess my future..................... - 03/04/10 10:06 PM

Dom that really sounds good , maybe you should try drumming with fire sticks problem with the auto industry not a lot of them out there make a decent living. some do don't get me wrong but most live paycheck to paycheck. I have been around the mechanic side of the business all my life and it didn't take long for me to figure out it's not the thing to do for a living. now if you could get with a pro race shop or something like that it may be different. your like me to old to start something new
Posted By: SSAAHemiFan

Re: Starting to second guess my future..................... - 03/04/10 10:34 PM

Man good luck to you.... Played music virtually everyday until 2 years ago. Conviced since grade school that I was going to make it.

2 years ago I was 37 and totally burned out on the music business entirely. I just walked away and haven't played a single note since!

I'm a drummer also and the big hangup is you have to find other bandmates that are as serious as you. I've never been able to do that.

I have had many professionals hear me play and most have said I definately have what it takes to play pro..

My epiphany ..I had a old boss who was played in all the local bands in the 70's and was well known, his wife was a bigshot at a local radio station so I have been able to meet and talk to alot of act's and most admit there is a good deal of LUCK involved.!!

I have given up on the big dream... In my "time off" I have been able to enjoy the local scene and constantly run into some amazing people who are still looking for a break themselves.

Pretty Humbling.. And a tough way to make a living!

I wish all the time and money I spent playing music I would have taken school and education a little more seriously.

See the movie Anvil if you can...
Posted By: POS Dakota

Re: Starting to second guess my future..................... - 03/04/10 10:45 PM


WOW, I really appreciate your responses. I am very serious about my drumming but sometimes I think at 48 years old that it`s a pipe dream even though I`ve had songs on the radio and filled rooms all over the place. I`m really interested in joining a TEAM and doing the car thing and making drumming second for now as much as I hate to. I hear ya blue stocker and beleive me it`s tough to think that the reality is that music may be more of a hobby than a career but I`m at a crossroads and the time has come to make a serious decision about my future. Time will tell..........thankxx again......Da thump...

Your frustration spurs from trying to make it a career when it's something you just love to do.
Dont confuse the two. When it becomes work, it adds all kinds of unnecessary pressures on top of it that make it hell, and in the end unenjoyable.

I went through it all. Went to music school, spent tens of thousands on equipment etc...and then realized there was nothing wrong with continuing to do it myself, but to instead not try making it a career. Besides, I hate people, so I cannot work with a band. I did a few things in restaurants and clubs solo and liked that, but it wasnt for the money. It was for me.

I now come home from work, and I play guitar by myself and enjoy it. Then I go back to work the next day, at a day job.

I've been enjoying guitar like this now for 25 years and with no pressures, not having to work with other people, and not having to get payed doing it, I find I like it a lot better.

I think your idea of just getting another job is a good one. being good, great, or even a master doesnt guarantee and income from it. Some of the best musicians merely post their music on youtube and that's the full extent of it. I like that much better!
Posted By: B G Racing

Re: Starting to second guess my future..................... - 03/04/10 10:54 PM

Dom,maybe you can relocate to Fl and go to work for Elvis(Eddie).You can start the day with a drumroll when Elvis wakes up and be his body guard and track down "Keyboard Commandos" on YB that go after him.Maybe even hire yourself out as a hired gun even on Moparts. Just kidding But seriously,do what you love to do.My mom told me,"find a job you love and you will never work a day in your life"She was absolutely right,for over 45 years in racing and the heavy construction industry I have been having a great time.
Posted By: Chad Bittle

Re: Starting to second guess my future..................... - 03/04/10 11:19 PM

first thing I was gonna recommend is relocating. Cali is way way way too overpriced.

And like everyone else said, life is too short to not do what you want. The only thing your promised is to die, so enjoy the ride.
Posted By: B1Fish540

Re: Starting to second guess my future..................... - 03/04/10 11:43 PM

I believe in the "do what you love" philosophy,(but) it works for some and others it does'nt. Music is different from other professions in that it is also a show business. Musicians tend to be introverted(even some performing on a regular basis can be really stressful. That said, there are some that thrive on it! But even those guys dont always "make it." As mentioned, being in the right place/right time can be equally important. Luck. I've been playing many years but could never convince myself i was good enuff to go professional..maybe i'm just it is alotta work. I've had several bands and have done the occasional gig..and some even paid..haha guess i dont have any advice that you have'nt already been given. Just know that you are not alone and keep jammin when you can.
Posted By: mark_gates

Re: Starting to second guess my future..................... - 03/05/10 01:19 AM

Dominic! I never would have guessed you for a musician! I've filled quite a few clubs back in the day myself, and since I've been laid up, have dabbled in it some more. I say go for it! Yer never too old!

Attached picture 5845802-MVC-491F.JPG
Posted By: Quicksilver440

Re: Starting to second guess my future..................... - 03/05/10 01:40 AM


Dominic! I never would have guessed you for a musician! I've filled quite a few clubs back in the day myself, and since I've been laid up, have dabbled in it some more. I say go for it! Yer never too old!

Mark....your back!
Posted By: 440Jim

Re: Starting to second guess my future..................... - 03/05/10 01:59 AM


first thing I was gonna recommend is relocating. Cali is way way way too overpriced.

I have visited many parts of CA, including Victorville. It isn't the highest $$$ part of CA, but I would move out of the state... now (for many reasons).

My real job pays too well for me to "do what I want for a living". But it pays the bills to allow me to "do what I want". Some weeks I put more time into my hobby (no pay, actually cost money) than I put in my job (40 hours).

I believe in finances. If you like what you do and can live on $25000/yr, go for it. If you want to live a different (more expensive) standard of living... well... that is why work is a four letter word.

I hope that didn't come out all wrong. I do all sorts of things I don't like, and just do it. I spent lots of money on education and low paying jobs to learn things. I worked my way up to better paying jobs. Paid the price of years and years of work to finally get to a comfortable position. I hope after 30 years of work it starts to pay off in my old age.
Posted By: Thumperdart

Re: Starting to second guess my future..................... - 03/05/10 04:08 AM

Wow, thankxx guys...lots of inspiration goin on here! A local machine shop is going to give me a shot here soon on a part time basis so I can still play at night and keep the dream alive. I`m a fighter and never say die so I`m not giving up I just need something to do in the mean time and will give Vegas another shot next month after I take care of some legal bs. BG, I actually talked to Eddie a couple years ago about working for him but I think we may of ended up boxing and that would not be good for eighter of us. It`s crazy to think how time flys as fast as it does and how stupid some of the decisions I made were. The age thing only applies in that phony Vegas one around here cares especially when they hear me play. I`ve turned down some serious opportunities music wise that I regret but I can`t go back so foreward it is and something good will come from it I`m sure. Thankxx again guy`s, you really made my day!
Posted By: QWK_ENUF

Re: Starting to second guess my future..................... - 03/05/10 04:43 AM

hey dom , i've been in the auto industry for 34 years and it has taken care of me but i'll never be rich but at least i'm happy but man i wish i had some of your talent

good luck in what ever you decide

Posted By: Chucklehead

Re: Starting to second guess my future..................... - 03/05/10 04:56 AM



i wanna get a fake ID that says i'm 27

Not me I want one that says I am 70 that way everyone would say you look pretty good for your age. I am 53

That made me laugh.

That is a great Idea. Plus you can save a some $$ using the senior discount.
Posted By: Thumperdart

Re: Starting to second guess my future..................... - 03/05/10 04:59 AM

Thankxxx..........I`m not that great BUT, I`m definately entertaining.
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