
Recession going to affect how often you race next year?

Posted By: 70satelliteguy

Recession going to affect how often you race next year? - 12/20/08 06:20 PM

I am just refreshing my motor for next season and with all of problems in NHRA with sponsors pulling the plug it got me thinking if it would affect the local racing scene at all? I don't have a sponsor because we basically just race on fridays in street legal events for fun. My job is also stable(Public health related) so I am not too worried about being able to afford it but there are a lot of layoffs in other areas that kinda worry me.
Are any of you guy's going to be forced to cut back!!!
Posted By: smokinwoody

Re: Recession going to affect how often you race next year? - 12/20/08 06:22 PM

gots no nottin

its all for sale...

thank you Mr Clinton...oh..and you too Mr Bush
Posted By: Streetwize

Re: Recession going to affect how often you race next year? - 12/20/08 06:39 PM

I hope to actually do more racing, my time is freed up but with a stock block 360 it'll be a real low buck , low maintenance high fun factor car....I can't see how guys dump more and more into cars every year when the fields are tightening and purses potentially dropping.

For every guy laid-off this year there are probably 10 people who make good salaries but are either tightening their belts (prioritzing on essentials and "putting up nuts for winter" or they are justifyably worried about the next shoe to drop. The real 800 pound gorilla in the economy is that "fact of Business" there are way too high a percentage of people in the USA employed in non-essential goods and service industries (compared to generations past). Many more jobs are more vulnerable than people realize.

If it effects racing i think what will happen is you will see people moving to more basic, less exotic combos that they can get al ot more laps out of with less maintenence.....many of the high end exotic "must have" parts are already turning up in droves on the used parts lists....A lot of these guys are in peak earning years and more and more are thinking about retiring in the not too distant future...and the younger guys financing everything on credit cards are getting pinched most of these guys won't get out of racing but they might settle for say a reliable low maintenence 10.90 car instead of trying to throw $$$ after $$$$ trying to go 9.90 or 10 flat....when you're bracket racing there's really not much more payback going faster past a certain point and if you factor in the costs and the hit you take trying to sell the high end stuff the exrtra cost doesn't justify the extra outlay to many people...the hobby gets a little more fun but A LOT MORE least that's what it looks like to me to me.

There's a lot of scary stuff going on....of course you know there is still a RISING WORLD Demand for Petroleum.....did you know that companies like Royal dutch are BUILDING STORAGE FACILIES to stockpile as much of this 32/barrel oil as they can???? Think about that amoment...what does that tell you? Even with the recession demand continues to go up based on population growth alone.....the PERFECT STORM is when all the stimulus eventually takes hold tro drive the economy forward and then gas prices inevitably SPIKE oil stocks while thety are out of favor....even with trillions of dollars of stimulus it will take at least 8-10 years before alternative fuel technologies would make a significant dent in the rising Fossil fuel demand.
Posted By: Anonymous

Post deleted by Defbob - 12/20/08 06:48 PM

Posted By: Anonymous

Re: Recession going to affect how often you race next year? - 12/20/08 07:01 PM


spending the kids inheritance NOW

Posted By: Al_Alguire

Re: Recession going to affect how often you race next year? - 12/20/08 07:02 PM

No change here, well actually I hope there is a big change, NO BROKEN ENGINES this year. The last two years have taken a toll on my with engine woes, hopefully that is all behind me now...We are very recession proof here being a Military family
Posted By: cgall

Re: Recession going to affect how often you race next year? - 12/20/08 07:04 PM

Racers are getting smarter about choosing races that can give the best payback. IHRA has capitalized on this idea by offering two of their points races on a single weekend, thereby cutting travel expenses for class racers in half.

Local bracket racing in my area has been in decline for the past several years, I see that continuing in '09, I hope it can survive.

NHRA class racing saw a turndown last year, they will have to do something soon to keep the participation up.
Posted By: MR_P_BODY

Re: Recession going to affect how often you race next year? - 12/20/08 07:21 PM

I dont know yet but if the auto companies go under
and my retirement gets cut you can believe my racing
will also(if I even keep it)but time will tell,
hopefully this economy turns up fairly quick. The
2 big factors for me to race are fuel to get to
and from the track(diesel) and entry fees, the car
is cheap to run and I bring my food and stay in my
Posted By: dthemi

Re: Recession going to affect how often you race next y - 12/20/08 07:32 PM

I know I'll be cutting back this year on projects, or maybe focusing on another car that's easier/cheaper to make go fast. The increased costs of the last few years have taken a bite out of me, as has moving across the country. Having to pay for and to keep up a home in Ga. that won't sell, and paying to live in Washington at the same time hurts ye olde wallet.
Posted By: atoetly

Re: Recession going to affect how often you race next y - 12/20/08 07:56 PM

If I ever get a good engine block I hope to race a full points season. I have moved my car across the mountain to my fiance's home in Bend Oregon and it is alot closer to the track I want to compete at but I think the turnout will be lower than years past?

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Posted By: Dodgetony

Re: Recession going to affect how often you race next y - 12/20/08 07:57 PM

I plan on racing more. I basically down sized and bought a car I can drive versus tow. That will cut my weekly expense for racing down dramatically.
Posted By: Diablo

Re: Recession going to affect how often you race next y - 12/20/08 08:24 PM

Around here pulling is at its biggest and strongest i've ever seen. I'm a kind of low buck guy but has nice things because i do everything myself. I built a chrome moly tube frame instead of buying one for 10g+, all the body and paint work is me. Everything that is stainless on the truck was built by me.

The only thing i was behind on was engine and power. When everyone had 500ci at 700-800hp i had a 440 with 500hp, then i moved up to a 500ci and had one season on top of the hp race till the rules changed to allow 650ci. Well i ran wit hthe small 500ci for 4 years now and i have finally moved up to a 600+ci engine.

I need to sell the old engine first to have the last bit of funds to finish the b1-ts engine. It will be kinda sad to see the old engine go since we have givien some gm boys some pretty long faces over the years.

I hope next season i will beable to make an entire season again. I really do hope fuel prices stay down, i did feel the pinch of high prices at the pump. But i'm licky our purses arn't to bad in my club. Well if our in the top three lets say. And they pay back 8 spots. i think 8th is still 100$ (pays for fuel... almost) The problem is now is that the mod 4x4 class has got so big that there is usually 12-14 trucks in each class... Some people are no going home with nothing which i dont feel is right.
Posted By: 440Jim

Re: Recession going to affect how often you race next y - 12/20/08 09:13 PM

I cut way back in 2008, for a couple unrelated reasons. One reason was the high cost of fuel, so hopefully that will be half what it was in 2008. Remember unleaded regular at almost $4/gallon? At least burning E85 in the race car was a lot cheaper than the $8.50/gallon that race gas was selling for. I was also spending money finishing the basement in my house, so racing cash was hard to come by. That cost is behind me, so that will help. In 2008 I went to the track 15 times. I don't see myself going to the track 25 times like in 2007, maybe the same as 2008.

It isn't just the cost of fuel for the tow vehicle and the race car. Normal driving to work, shopping, etc was burning up lots of dollars in 2008.

At the local track in 2008, the bracket racing on Sat night had significantly less cars than 2007; and I don't expect anymore in 2009.
For example, in the Modified (footbrake) class, in 2006 there were 63 cars registered for points, in 2007 51 cars, in 2008 it was only 34.
Posted By: SKR8PN

Re: Recession going to affect how often you race next y - 12/20/08 11:21 PM

Even "IF" I get the new engine in the Daytona, I still may not make it to the track at all. I may just bust around on the street a few times and hit a few local shows. We shall see what the new year brings........
Posted By: sc4579

Re: Recession going to affect how often you race next y - 12/20/08 11:33 PM

Don't plan on making many races. Maybe a couple big money bracket races and a mopar event. I have tossed around the idea of selling it all, still might.

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Posted By: slantzilla

Re: Recession going to affect how often you race next y - 12/20/08 11:42 PM

I only made it to the track 3 times last year because I was working so much.

So far my job looks fairly secure for next year, I'm hoping to not be working quite so much overtime.

I'm hoping the new car will be done. I really don't have to spend too much money on it so that part is good.

I am looking for a house. If I get one bought that will be the biggest factor in how much I race. I'm trying to find one that I can own without being a slave to it.
Posted By: MegaDart

Re: Recession going to affect how often you race next y - 12/20/08 11:43 PM

I may race a little more.
Plan on running IHRA and NHRA divisional S/Gas races we have a ton of them in the spring. Then if I have enough grade points I hope to run Englishtown Nats and possibly Epping next summer. Lots of regular bracket racing when I feel like it and quick32 once a month. As well as the big bucks racing here in Fl.

No doubt the recession has hindered my racing. For the most part I don't travel out of Fl except once or twice a year. And if the weather looks iffy on raceday I stay home can't afford to spend $200 in fuel for a raincheck..
Posted By: Jacob Pitt

Re: Recession going to affect how often you race next y - 12/21/08 12:02 AM

Probably racing more. Two cars in three classes now that two classes I can run in for free because of my gold cards. As long as I have a job and I can win enough to help pay for it all I'll keep doing it. Besides what else am I going to do?

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Posted By: 383man

Re: Recession going to affect how often you race next y - 12/21/08 12:14 AM

I am not no regular racer but I like to drive my 63 to the track a few times a year and race it. I am glad its a driver as if it gets to bad I will still drive it some but may not make it to the track. Even driving it to the track cost me about $75. dollars between gas , food and gate fee. I have been hurt already as a Dealer tech as they cut my pay by taking my bonus away so I hope it dont get to much tuffer as I am looking to get out of the shop anyway. Ron
Posted By: 11secdart

Re: Recession going to affect how often you race next y - 12/21/08 12:23 AM

Car counts were down at my local track last year and I see more of the same for 09, I could be wrong. I slowed my car down to run in Street Eliminator points last year and had fun doing it and qualified for the Bracket Finals, I am doing the same next season financialy it helps a little . entry fee is cheaper and only shifting at 6500 saves parts. Although I got laid off a month ago I will race next year what ever it takes. I did some snow plowing last night ( its only December so theres more to come )I have some parts sold, and I have some work lined up on a friends Mustang so that will put some $$$ in the race account. I am probably not traveling to any out of state events though.

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Posted By: dartman366

Re: Recession going to affect how often you race next y - 12/21/08 12:29 AM

last year wasn't so much money as it was new a job and concentrating on getting thru my probationary period, got thru that then got hurt at work and was off 10 week's,,and I made it thru that, now I started another new job on Dec 8th back with the company that I took a severance package from and it look's as tho I will be able to race a little more since I work a lot closer to home, want to make most of the CC Event's and do a little more at Pacemaker's right here at home, not doing very much to the car this winter so I can save up some entry and fuel money this winter.
Posted By: DusterKid

Re: Recession going to affect how often you race next y - 12/21/08 12:34 AM

I plan on being out every weekend like last yr. Course living at home helps that alot. Gotta keep after it if I hope to make it to the big boys someday.
Posted By: 73swinger

Re: Recession going to affect how often you race next y - 12/21/08 01:00 AM

I plan on running for points in Trophy class (King of the Hill) at Rock Falls Raceway. With 3 Mopars in the top 5 this past year, I just want to do my part to try and put more Mopars in the class. It's something I want to try, hoping the competition makes me a better racer. Just hope the car survives 80 miles to track, racing, then back home .
Posted By: Bigbeep

Re: Recession going to affect how often you race next y - 12/21/08 02:35 AM

Well 08 was rough as I only went racing 5 times due to work schedules and changing jobs (went back to my previous employer). 09 may be better if I have my tinkering done to the cuda. I know my work schedule is about to change with more OT. Yeah I know, overtime in a recession. I am not turning it down. So if I can get my duckys lined up and afford the fuel costs, I will be out as often as possible. Beep

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Posted By: dizuster

Re: Recession going to affect how often you race next y - 12/21/08 02:53 PM

If I can finish the car this year, the cost to get to the track will be a drop in the bucket...

Posted By: ProSport

Re: Recession going to affect how often you race next y - 12/21/08 02:54 PM

I usually plan several races each year, this year I'm only planning on hitting the Norwalk Chrysler classic in September. Anything that happens before that is cool but I'm not gonna stress out over trying to afford to hit every big race. I'm also done with constantly spending to go faster, I just want to get my car back together and enjoy it, have it sitting in the garage ready for anything like the DartSport always was.
If I'd known money was gonna get so tight these days I probably would have never sold the DartSport or upgraded the motor in the Dart. But hopefully it will be worth it!
Posted By: Steve1118

Re: Recession going to affect how often you race next y - 12/21/08 04:07 PM

I'll probably run a bit kids are grown and I have more time and disposable income than I have had for a lot of years, for that reason alone. I am also in better health than I have been for a long, long, time. At this station in life, though, I don't have the fortitude to pound it every week.

I'll hit a couple of the CC events, the Nostalgia races at Beaver Springs, and some other special events. When the mood strikes me, I'll run the weekly show at PRP.

My youngest son will run the points at PRP, as well as Ronnie McClelland's youngest son. I look for Kyle to run his red 64 maxie a bit more this year, too.

About the "economy", I just don't know. I honestly don't think that things are as bad as the media portrays it. I think they have folks scared to death, and sometimes I think they want it to be bad. I'm not saying that it is good, it is obviously not, but I really think I have seen things worse. When a guy gets crushed to death at Wal Mart in a rush for a plasma TV, one wonders if we aren't being played for suckers just a bit.
Posted By: FASTFISH420

Re: Recession going to affect how often you race next y - 12/21/08 04:41 PM

I did not race abit in 08.had some engine issues and decided to dump the whole thing and start from scratch with a new motor.I am also in the auto industry(AKA dealership tech)We are not selling any cars but our service work is up

I plan on running some of Milans all/motor class this year, would like to be in the points program there,but the track is a 3 hour drive from my house,and it is hard to get off on Friday and take off sometimes.

I would also like to see the diesel fuel come down abit,to help with the tow bill
Posted By: Irun5snd8th

Re: Recession going to affect how often you race next y - 12/21/08 04:53 PM

I see lots of negativity on here about next season so I will give you a little positivity. My good friend JB Strassweg who owns says that he is selling parts and cars like mad. Cleaned out his entire inventory of cars and engines this month with the exception of the Tim McKamis Cuda that several people on here had posted pictures of several weeks ago. Its a good sign for us racers because his business is way up from last year especially on the parts side.
Posted By: Triple Threat

Re: Recession going to affect how often you race next y - 12/21/08 05:13 PM

My set up is pretty much low budget to begin with, Drive the car to the track, no need for truck or trailer. So I wasn't affected by the recession or high gas prices this year.I still raced as much as I could, and even with 4 or 5 of our races getting rained out I still got exactly 100 passes in.

With gas prices lower, and likely to stay there through the summer, I plan on racing every chance I get.
I graduate from college here after summer quarter, so I will be looking for a career and don't know if said career is going to give me weekends and the time off I would like to race, so might as well have fun while I know I can.
Posted By: hemiparts

Re: Recession going to affect how often you race next y - 12/21/08 05:26 PM

We're blessed to have several good sponsors that have stuck with us no mater what's going on. With the new track in Charlotte having so many big races this year and 5 race tracks within 1.5 hours ride we won't have to travel to far.
Posted By: RoadRnnr69

Re: Recession going to affect how often you race next year? - 12/21/08 05:43 PM

The biggest effect I see is the declining sponsorship the different racing series. The events may go away and then the tracks would follow.

The only things that would change my habits are gas prices at $4 and catastrophic failure.

I will still do all the test and tune nights I can and probably one weekend a month for a race event.
Posted By: Al_Alguire

Re: Recession going to affect how often you race next y - 12/21/08 06:07 PM


I see lots of negativity on here about next season so I will give you a little positivity. My good friend JB Strassweg who owns says that he is selling parts and cars like mad. Cleaned out his entire inventory of cars and engines this month with the exception of the Tim McKamis Cuda that several people on here had posted pictures of several weeks ago. Its a good sign for us racers because his business is way up from last year especially on the parts side.

Tell him he can send the McAmis Cuda my way. Hate to see it just sitting around not being used.
Posted By: Chad Bittle

Re: Recession going to affect how often you race next y - 12/21/08 06:16 PM

Good time to have a street/strip car...don't wanna spend the money to race just take it for a cruise and still get to enjoy it.
Posted By: dustergirl340

Re: Recession going to affect how often you race next year? - 12/21/08 06:22 PM

Street/strip 12 second bracket car here, and my local track is close, so there probably won't be any changes for me.
Posted By: 70AARcuda

Re: Recession going to affect how often you race next year? - 12/21/08 07:05 PM

i am only 8 miles from the LVMS, so towing is no problems.

we raced only one car last year due to engine problems with my barracuda, everything is fixed and ready to go.

even have some spare short blocks now.

my oldest daughter drives the 71 dart...and i am working on something for my youngest daughter to start racing later next year.

so we are probably stepping up our effort....
Posted By: kissmyaspen

Re: Recession going to affect how often you race next year? - 12/22/08 03:11 PM

last year i only went out a couple times, just because thats all i felt like and then the new job stopped me from going too.. but with one track 10 miles and the other 20 miles i know i wonna do more racing this year.. i missed not seeing everyone at the track.. its like going to a family reunion with peole u like lol
Posted By: BloFish

Re: Recession going to affect how often you race next year? - 12/22/08 03:34 PM

Absolutely not. In fact, I hope to get to the track even more than last year
Posted By: Mr.Yuck

Re: Recession going to affect how often you race next year? - 12/22/08 03:43 PM

Only thing that effects my racing is my wife telling me "oh but we have so and so's function that day, maybe you can go next weekend" but then something else pops up.
Posted By: MattW

Re: Recession going to affect how often you race next y - 12/22/08 03:44 PM


I hope to actually do more racing, my time is freed up but with a stock block 360 it'll be a real low buck , low maintenance high fun factor car....I can't see how guys dump more and more into cars every year when the fields are tightening and purses potentially dropping.

For every guy laid-off this year there are probably 10 people who make good salaries but are either tightening their belts (prioritzing on essentials and "putting up nuts for winter" or they are justifyably worried about the next shoe to drop. The real 800 pound gorilla in the economy is that "fact of Business" there are way too high a percentage of people in the USA employed in non-essential goods and service industries (compared to generations past). Many more jobs are more vulnerable than people realize.

If it effects racing i think what will happen is you will see people moving to more basic, less exotic combos that they can get al ot more laps out of with less maintenence.....many of the high end exotic "must have" parts are already turning up in droves on the used parts lists....A lot of these guys are in peak earning years and more and more are thinking about retiring in the not too distant future...and the younger guys financing everything on credit cards are getting pinched most of these guys won't get out of racing but they might settle for say a reliable low maintenence 10.90 car instead of trying to throw $$$ after $$$$ trying to go 9.90 or 10 flat....when you're bracket racing there's really not much more payback going faster past a certain point and if you factor in the costs and the hit you take trying to sell the high end stuff the exrtra cost doesn't justify the extra outlay to many people...the hobby gets a little more fun but A LOT MORE least that's what it looks like to me to me.

There's a lot of scary stuff going on....of course you know there is still a RISING WORLD Demand for Petroleum.....did you know that companies like Royal dutch are BUILDING STORAGE FACILIES to stockpile as much of this 32/barrel oil as they can???? Think about that amoment...what does that tell you? Even with the recession demand continues to go up based on population growth alone.....the PERFECT STORM is when all the stimulus eventually takes hold tro drive the economy forward and then gas prices inevitably SPIKE oil stocks while thety are out of favor....even with trillions of dollars of stimulus it will take at least 8-10 years before alternative fuel technologies would make a significant dent in the rising Fossil fuel demand.

For those who think that the economy will get better in the next few years, Your dreaming! I HOPE I am wrong but there are two more so called sub prime mortages failures coming. I think stuff is going to tank after New Years. Matt
Posted By: Irun5snd8th

Re: Recession going to affect how often you race next y - 12/22/08 05:59 PM



I see lots of negativity on here about next season so I will give you a little positivity. My good friend JB Strassweg who owns says that he is selling parts and cars like mad. Cleaned out his entire inventory of cars and engines this month with the exception of the Tim McKamis Cuda that several people on here had posted pictures of several weeks ago. Its a good sign for us racers because his business is way up from last year especially on the parts side.

Tell him he can send the McAmis Cuda my way. Hate to see it just sitting around not being used.

I posted too early. It went to Canada last week
Posted By: Duster3105

Re: Recession going to affect how often you race next year? - 12/22/08 06:57 PM

Well, we have a big Pow-Wow Jan. 14th, they have been cutting some of the fat in LA & Chicago, I don't think I'll get cut But, ya never know.

Otherwise, new engine is at the machine shop, all parts are paid for.

Will probably run a lot more local races at NTR as well as still hitting all of the CC events.

Wish everybody the best in 2009 .

Posted By: max_maniac

Re: Recession going to affect how often you race next year? - 12/22/08 07:15 PM

I only made it to one race last year because I was building a new car. It was done late in the year so I still did not have time to get it dialed in. In 2009 I am going to on this new car every chance I get

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