
Gout issues

Posted By: Cometstorm

Gout issues - 02/24/23 05:26 PM

Any of you old timers have any experience with toe / foot gout?

I’ve gotten it about once a year past several years, and it always resolved on its own after about a week. Never sought medical aid, although it sure makes life miserable.

This round started about four days ago and is nothing short of brutal! whiney

Big toe red, swollen, warm to the touch. Redness extends down below toe base on side of foot.

Night chills and throbbing pain. Haven’t really slept in three nights.

Now it seems to have affected my ankle. Absolutely no ability to support weight.

Driving is an absolute NO. Can barely maneuver from bed to adjoining bathroom.

Finally called Doc and was able to do video conference.

Colchazine (sp?) prescribed. Hope the heck it works!

Anyone else have tales of woe on this?
Posted By: AdventurerSport

Re: Gout issues - 02/24/23 05:59 PM

I have experience joint pain of this type for over 10 years.
I finally found a specialist (rheumatologist) that was able to help.
My local doctors would only prescribe opioids for the pain, but nothing for the symptoms.
I got on Uloric (febuxostat) at 60 mg per day, along with 0.6 mg of Colchicine and that has kept the pain away for almost 2 years now (2 years in April).
I was diagnosed with too much Uric Acid and the Uloric (Febuxostat) helps to keep the uric acid levels down. Colchicine helps to prevent the inflammation.
They think that I'll be able to drop the Colchicine soon, just took some time to get my acid levels down with the Uloric.

Good luck!

Posted By: 3hundred

Re: Gout issues - 02/24/23 07:21 PM

My old boss (RIP) suffered from fairly frequent attacks. IIRC, and I could be mixing this up with another of his problems, he got cortisone shots and I recall for certain he tried to change his diet to help. In the mid to late 1990's he went on a commercial high fiber diet plan and dropped a lot of weight.

Gout dietary suggestions linky
Posted By: Fat_Mike

Re: Gout issues - 02/24/23 07:24 PM

Yep, been there.
As said, it's caused by high uric acid levels. Don't get jacked around with pain killers and anti-inflammatories. Those only mask the symptoms. Also, as said, see a rheumatologist.
My last bit of advice, make sure that whatever drugs you're prescribed (not just for gout) are compatible. I ended up in renal failure due to being prescribed anti-inflammatories (for gout) that were incompatible with my other meds. twocents
Oh, I take 300 mg's of Allopurinol per day for controlling my uric acid level.
Posted By: ratroaster

Re: Gout issues - 02/24/23 07:32 PM

I get it about once a year also. To much uric acid in your blood system. I blame mine on my beer intake and eating wild game. Beer, alcohol, Fish, seafood, red meat, wild game, organ meats, turkey, soda with high fructose corn syrup are all high in uric acid.

What works for me is Apple cider vinegar with the "mother"(Non pasturized). Once I feel an attack coming on I try not to consume food and drinks high in uric acid. Also 2 tbl. spoons of Apple cider vinegar mixed in a glass of water 4 times a day takes it away for me in 12-24 hours. Tastes like crap but way better than that terrible gout pain.

Lots of water and liquids to flush the uric acid out of your system. The quicker you catch it the better......
Posted By: AdventurerSport

Re: Gout issues - 02/24/23 09:50 PM

I've found that high fiber, as well as natural anti-inflammatory foods help as well.
Rye bread, for example. So, I eat sandwiches on Marble Rye rather than White bread and that helps
I don't drink American beer (in general) as it's often made with HFCS (High Fructose Corn Syrup).
When I drink beer, I drink Guinness (roasted barley helps with inflammation). In fact, when having a flare up, I can either: Take an extra dose of Colchicine (as directed by my rheumatologist) or I can drink a pint or two of Guinness. Either way, symptoms subside.
When I drink soda, I stick with Pepsi Made with Real Sugar. It doesn't necessarily help my inflammation, but it doesn't make it any worse.
I gave up beef around 7 years ago and don't eat pork or shellfish. Diet restrictions aplenty, but that does make a difference.

Posted By: dart67

Re: Gout issues - 02/24/23 11:38 PM

It hit me one evening. Right ankle swollen, stiff and hot to touch. Woke up next morning and right ankle was fine. But it had moved to my LEFT ankle! Had a co-worker who would get it in his HIP! Damn, it is painful....
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